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Ladies Can I Take A Bath ? How hot can it be ? ?? HELP
babyjjsmommy Yes! Just make sure the water isn't too hot and don't stay in too long
jjbutton Not over 100 degrees I think
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Has Anyone Did 3D/4D Ultrasound ?? How Many Weeks Can You Go To Find Out Gender ? How Early 👀👀👀🤔
inactive_user I was 17 weeks but to be honest, the pictures weren't that great because he was so
mamatosrp01 I'm 16. They said looks like a girl an more than likely will be.
queenelsa0408 I went at 16 weeks and 3 days. Saw the penis clear as day! My cousin is
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So I Been Feeling Sick To My Stomach For The Past Few Days , feel Like I Have To Throw Up But Never Do 😒😩 ; Some Advice Or Something Please 👀
courtney6 Lemonade helped me and nausea meds
notactiveanymore05 lime Popsicles and juice helped me I had false alarm nausea constantly in my first trimester it
shellbaby7 lots of water maybe and sucking on lemons helped me. I also have hypermesis with my last
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How Many Hours Was Or Is Your Babyshower Going To Be 👀?
missing110user Mine is a luncheon 12-3
mommybug mine was from 6-10.. i arrived AFTER WORK at 8ish.. i was so upset for my baby
kenzi217 mine will be from 1-6
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When did you ladies start shopping For Your Lil One 👀👀😌
kristen17 10 weeks
killxj0y I received a baby blanket & rattle for Christmas, & me & my hubby bought a pack
xonycutiepie After 20 week scan when sex was confirmed!
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Hey Ladies I'm 6 Weeks Today Pregnant With My First 😌 When Did You Guys Symptoms Start & When Did You First Hear The Heart Beat. ?
mrsr0383 I started feeling symptoms by 6 weeks I was very sick with nausea and had been in
alyssavaldez nausea started around 6 weeks for me (and is starting to ease up now around 10 weeks)
lovelycin09 @ 6 weeks my nausea and vomiting started and i heard baby's heartbeat at 6 weeks &
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