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baby is teething and extremely fussing any tips besides Tylenol and teething rings?
dylansmom The hylands teething tablets seem to work for my son so far @courtney6
courtney6 are they ki da the same thing as the orajel naturals?
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mom's with gassy babies, which Bottles do you use and did they help?
mommysbabies Dr brown I like the wide ones better
courtney6 @losmartinez16, @kreese88 @abeals04 thanks ladies I was thinking about trying those ones but wanted opinions 1st I'll
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momma's with boy did u have your son circumcised and how did they do? I really want my son to have it done, but I'm scared to have it done to him
sweetmommy26 My cousin had to do an emergency circumcision for her son around age 1 due to infection..
courtney6 @arivera64, @mommytoaiden @mygiftof2016 @sweetmommy26 thanks everyone for your input I'm gonna think about it for a few
mygiftof2016 well no one in my family for generations not my husband are circumcised. so I might be
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I'm so glad I decided to breastfeed I almost gave up yesterday I gave him a few Bottles, then I tried again today he's so good at it and he was horrible with the bottle lol
courtney6 @addysmomma47, I'm also open to tips and tricks
addysmomma46 My pain went away around 3 weeks! If you don't use lanolin I would definitely get some.
courtney6 @addysmomma47, ya I've been using lanolin and gel pads which r both helping and thanks for the
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have any mommas started Breast feeding and just didn't like it and decided to formula feed?
mommy2x i feed for 2 weeks and gave up...guilty about giving up? no i feel as long as
courtney6 @rika25, that's what I was thinking maybe just even pump and give him the Breast milk from
rika25 yupp that be great we on the same team doing both @courtney6
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has anyone delivered vaginally and not taken pain meds after the birth to deal with the pain afterwards?
wyatts_mommy_0106 Yes the ice packs numbed me for the most part and the tuck pads helped soothe the
lilaa_dunne16 @courtney6, I think it depends on the hospital I got mine from there but I also think
missyann214 really the only bad pain I had was when I went pee but that's because I ripped
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