nausea started around 6 weeks for me (and is starting to ease up now around 10 weeks) this happened with both pregnancies for me. And we heard out first heart beat today for the second baby and I'm 11 weeks and 5 days! with my son we heard his first heart beat at about 8 weeks!
I started feeling symptoms by 6 weeks I was very sick with nausea and had been in the ER for IV fluids multiple times from dehydration due to severe vomiting and nausea that wouldn't allow me to keep food or fluids down. Heard baby's heart beat at 9weeks :)
I a 15 weeks, and have not had one ai gle symptom til now. 😢 I had a few cravings, fruit and sour things, but now nausea has hit, along with round ligament pains AND aches.
Same I knew I was pregnant about 2 weeks after we conceived bc I took Ivf treatments to get pregnant so I knew forever but I got morning sickness and mood swings around a month... Then my hump started around 2.5 months but I was way under weight so it could have been bloat. You should feel mood swings( more like really sensitive then mad sad happy ya know) and we heard the heart beat at 6 weeks 5 days.. I went in every two weeks bc I started out at high risk.. Now I am 26.4 weeks and I am ready for symptoms to subside lol you should hear it soon BUT if you don't I wouldn't stress to hard Hun every pregnancy is different 💕
I didn't hear the heartbeat until 11 weeks because that was my first dr appointment. I went to the hospital for light bleeding around 6weeks 6days and there wasn't a heartbeat yet. My morning sickness was about 8weeks-15weeks but I was nauseous my whole pregnancy. They found a polyp on my cervix at 21 weeks so I had light pain and bleeding the rest of my pregnancy. I starting effacing and having false contractions at 32 weeks.