United States, Michigan, Shelby
27, mama to Emery Rose Marie ❤️, girlfriend, dog mom. ❤️ Assistant Teacher, gym addict, music lover. Angel mom of two 👼🏻👼🏻 Donnie 🐱💔


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Первая потенциальная овуляция: что делать после полового акта, анализ крови через 7 дней?
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This is the first time I’ve ever caught a potential peak!
We did BD and I sent a message to my OB so we can set up a blood draw in 7 days to make sure that I did ovulate!
If I didn’t ovulate then I will get the help I need to help me ovulate.
Miscarriage experience: pain and hope
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I’m finally miscarrying.
Yesterday was the worse. Blood clots and cramps that made me want to cry.
All while sitting at Texas Roadhouse. I cried when going to the bathroom because it sucks. It hurts.

My pregnancy tests are all reading at negative and not pregnant.

I took an ovulation tests just to get back into testing, I’ll probably be testing everyday since there could be a possibility of ovulation before I have my first period.

I still have minor bleeding, mostly when I go to the bathroom but it’s all bright pink/red. No more blood clots.

I’m staying hopeful. We will get our rainbow this year and I’ll speak it into existence. It’s our time.

Pictures of my first ovulation test.
I may be waiting to digital.
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damnitred I’m so sorry!! 😭❤️😭❤️
itskarina Oh no im so sorry.
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Какие витамины и методы повышают фертильность? Советы и рекомендации для улучшения здоровья
I know it’s redundant, I’ve looked up everything and just want input.

What are some things to use to help your fertility?
I’m already going to take to my primary about my weight and what to do there other than dieting, exercise, etc.

I want to take all the steps to make my fertility better and healthier I guess.

I’ve already done ovulating testing and though I could never catch my peek, I’m still going to do it once I can.
I was also looking into a basal body thermometer but unsure what’s the best one to use.

I plan on still taking my prenatals but what other vitamins should I take to help my body?
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m00my2five Seeing a fertility specialist is what helped me. They are better able to look at your numbers
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Падение ХГЧ с 74 до 50: что делать при неудачной беременности? Анализы, чувства...
HCG levels have went from 74 to 50.
It’s a failed pregnancy.
I have another blood draw tomorrow as we have to make sure my levels drop to zero.
My heart hurts.
We’ve been trying since November and every month went AF showed up, I felt defeated. Getting a positive last Friday finally felt like a win. Not even a week later and it’s a failed pregnancy.
I know I did nothing wrong but I felt like I did everything wrong.
I feel like I not only failed myself but I feel that I failed my boyfriend as well.

I know this isn’t going to stop us from trying, but a loss is a loss and it hurts. 💔
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jenx I am truly sorry for your loss, it's very difficult.
mujerstillregal I wish you all the best on the future
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Неудачная беременность: что делать дальше, как пережить и планировать новую попытку? Советы
Unfortunately i think I’m coming to terms that this isn’t a viable pregnancy, I’m not sure if it’s considered chemical, failed, or what but regardless I’m coming to terms with it..
I don’t know when I’ll get my period but I think we are still going to actively try once I do..
I feel like that makes me guilty. 😞
rwrich94 Aww we were trying for another too not going well. Let's chat
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Am I having a viable pregnancy?
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To say I’m not freaking out and crying right now would be an understatement…
I know I have my OB appointment on Wednesday but at this rate if they haven’t double by Wednesday, I think it would be considered a non-viable pregnancy…
damnitred Don’t freak out. You could just be too early!! Please keep us updated
ekko Don’t worry. You’re still early. Did your doctor talk about the ultrasound with you already?
mujerstillregal How far along are you? I completely understand how you feel. I don't think I'd be feeling
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Положительный тест на беременность: волнуюсь из-за бледных полосок, что делать?
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Got a positive on Friday, been feeling a little worried and stressful as my lines aren’t dark or seem to be getting darker.
I have my first appointment on Wednesday. 🥺
m00my2five The second pic has a darker progression. Hopefully you have good news Wednesday! 🤞🤞
vergeenya Congrats
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IUD removal, первая менструация и планирование беременности: советы и подсказки!
I need all the advice I can get!
I just took my IUD out in October,
I got my first period on the 14th of this month.
My boyfriend and I are trying to conceive and we will be trying next month, hoping that my period falls around the same time frame.
I need all the helpful tips I can get to make this happen. 😅😅
2sweetie Download an app where you can track your cycles and pay attention to symptoms so you know
motherof3dragons I just had a miscarriage and got my first period on the 17th! We have really close
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