Какие витамины и методы повышают фертильность? Советы и рекомендации для улучшения здоровья

I know it’s redundant, I’ve looked up everything and just want input.

What are some things to use to help your fertility?
I’m already going to take to my primary about my weight and what to do there other than dieting, exercise, etc.

I want to take all the steps to make my fertility better and healthier I guess.

I’ve already done ovulating testing and though I could never catch my peek, I’m still going to do it once I can.
I was also looking into a basal body thermometer but unsure what’s the best one to use.

I plan on still taking my prenatals but what other vitamins should I take to help my body?

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Seeing a fertility specialist is what helped me. They are better able to look at your numbers and see issues that general doctors don't really see.
07.07.2023 Нравится Ответить
@caityyy_lynnn who knows, you light have an awesome doc. I wasn't a fan of mine and felt like she wasn't on top of it as much as I wanted. My fertility doctor was amazing. OBs might be good too.
07.07.2023 Нравится Ответить
@caityyy_lynnn good luck and I hope everything works out!!
07.07.2023 Нравится Ответить
@m00my2five, the OB I saw told me to talk to my primary. So I’m going I don’t go round in circles. I more so just want answers and how to better prepare my body to have a healthy pregnancy. 🥲
07.07.2023 Нравится Ответить
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