Падение ХГЧ с 74 до 50: что делать при неудачной беременности? Анализы, чувства...

HCG levels have went from 74 to 50.
It’s a failed pregnancy.
I have another blood draw tomorrow as we have to make sure my levels drop to zero.
My heart hurts.
We’ve been trying since November and every month went AF showed up, I felt defeated. Getting a positive last Friday finally felt like a win. Not even a week later and it’s a failed pregnancy.
I know I did nothing wrong but I felt like I did everything wrong.
I feel like I not only failed myself but I feel that I failed my boyfriend as well.

I know this isn’t going to stop us from trying, but a loss is a loss and it hurts. 💔

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I wish you all the best on the future
06.07.2023 Нравится Ответить
I am truly sorry for your loss, it's very difficult.
06.07.2023 Нравится Ответить
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