I’m finally miscarrying.
Yesterday was the worse. Blood clots and cramps that made me want to cry.
All while sitting at Texas Roadhouse. I cried when going to the bathroom because it sucks. It hurts.
My pregnancy tests are all reading at negative and not pregnant.
I took an ovulation tests just to get back into testing, I’ll probably be testing everyday since there could be a possibility of ovulation before I have my first period.
I still have minor bleeding, mostly when I go to the bathroom but it’s all bright pink/red. No more blood clots.
I’m staying hopeful. We will get our rainbow this year and I’ll speak it into existence. It’s our time.
Pictures of my first ovulation test.
I may be waiting to digital.
I say this and mean no harm by it but I’m happy it was a chemical pregnancy and was so early on. I feel that’s why the miscarriage wasn’t as bad as it was.
I’ve read that a person can ovulate up to two weeks after a chemical pregnancy.