emma goldingay
United Kingdom


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32wks an hospital ave said i ave severe SPD anyone else sufferin with this an how r u coping with it
emma32 my docs gave me cream to use for pain at min plus a low dose of codene
darciepenny Yeah work probably won't be the greatest idea, I haven't taken medication for mine because I don't
emma32 my doc said he will start my physio once ive ad baby hun
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Is a Burning Sensation During Urination a Sign of Infection?
ouch is it a water infection i have when i wee i have a burning sensation at end of my right hand side vaginal flap (sorry for too much info)
jayden19 No sounds more like an irritation maybe you accidentally scratched yourself or your knickers have rubbed you
emma32 oh right ok thanks ill c how i am in mornin an then get checked in doctors
sairainbow Or .. you can also apply coconut oil outside and inside after cleaning with water .. I
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everythin i eat an drink is giving me bad burning heartburn
kellybear25 eating slowly. small meals regulary does it for me. the further u are the worst it is.
summertimebaby16 I've had heart burn since being caught pregnant (that's what gave it away) and the only thing
emma32 its too strong of a burning for even gaviscon to stop 😢
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sorry if too much info but the knickers ive ad on today i noticed when i went the toilet earlier that wen ive been losin the white mucus discharge it must of been that strong that its like burnt a actual hole into my knickers!! is this normal an as anyone else noticed this problem?
winterbaby95 My discharge has always burnt holes in my knickers :( even before I got pregnant lol! When
emma32 thats exactly wot is happenin with my black knickers @winterbaby95 ave u ever got it checked over
winterbaby95 No, I haven't :) but my mum said it must mean that my discharge is very acidic
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im 29wks pregnant with 2nd baby an after walkin 10mins up the local shop yesterday an started gettin pains down in my abdomen is anyone else avin same after such a little walk?
julie-louise @emma32, yes all the time it's the muscles at the bottom of your tummy stretching and having
emma32 i dont have a option as my job im on my feet for 10hrs an wen im
sophiegreen Baby could be lay on a nerve, I wasn't able to walk 2 minutes without being in
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how has everyones pregnancy been this time round? 2nd pregnancy only
homely.mummy.no2 Well I'm only 5 weeks on but so far I wouldn't no much different apart from my
emma32 this 2nd ones been proper horiffic hun i was great all way through my 1st pregnancy with
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is it normal to be stressed out well pregnant at 28wks? anyone else goin through feeling stressed
ttcrainbowbaby Thats completely normal hun. Your feelings will probably be all over the place until the baby come.
emma32 ive had a bad time with this pregnancy so ive ad to take alot of time off
sairainbow oh dear .. stress and pregnancy .. they are best friends ...😡 and I hate that friendship
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