United States, California, San Francisco
I am a new mom and I have a podcast called the fourth trimester.


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Обсуждение бесплодия и потери беременности
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Hello fellow parents,

I wanted to share with you an incredible conversation that I recently had with Esther Gallagher and Emily Barrett. We discussed the topics of infertility and pregnancy loss. These are not often talked about subjects, but they are incredibly important and impact so many people.

We addressed the need to acknowledge and process grief, and the challenges of balancing grief and joy in the midst of these experiences.

One of the main takeaways from the discussion is truly listening when someone shares their grief or loss. Instead of offering reassurance or trying to find silver linings, it is important to create a space for the person to express their emotions and be witnessed.

I found this discussion to be eye-opening and thought-provoking. It reminded me of the importance of validating and supporting others in their experiences, even when it may be uncomfortable or unfamiliar territory for me. It also highlighted the need for more open conversations about infertility and pregnancy loss in our society.

If you are interested, here’s the link: ссылка

Sending love and support to all parents navigating the challenges and joys of this journey.

Sarah Trott
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Как укрепить уверенность в себе: подкаст о материнстве с Марисой Белгер (First Forty Days) - делимся опытом!
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Hey moms, I wanted to share this podcast episode from the Fourth Trimester Podcast that just came out.


Marisa Belger, the co-author of the First Forty Days book, discusses the topic of self-trust (AKA having confidence in your own inner voice / your inner truth). Marisa provides a guide and practical questions to help us strengthen our self-trust and intuition.

As moms, we are bombarded with information and opinions, and it can be overwhelming to figure out what is right for us and our families. This episode reminded me that we have the inner knowing and instinct to guide us through this journey of motherhood. I highly recommend checking out the Fourth Trimester Podcast and subscribing for more insightful episodes like this one. Let's support each other as we navigate the beautiful and challenging world of motherhood.

Sending love,
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Как составить успешный план после родов? Советы от основателя компании, помощь мамам
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Hey mamas! I just published a conversation I had with the founder of a company that specializes in helping parents put pre and post-natal service packages together (e.g. doulas, lactation support, physical therapy for pelvic floor health, etc.).

Listen to the show (links below) to learn how to create a successful postpartum plan, and how to access discounted birth education courses by listening to the full episode.

Thanks all and I hope everyone is having a great weekend with their little ones! Sarah xo


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Как стать уверенным родителем: разговор с Лизой Чин о самопознании, исцелении и позитивном воспитании
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I just chatted with an amazing mom who does enablement coaching. Her name is Lisa Chin and we talked about how parents can become more confident and authentic through self-discovery, healing, positive parenting. It was a really powerful conversation.

Basically, as parents we re-live our own childhood through the interactions and emotions of our children, whether we are conscious of it or not – Lisa unpacked how we as parents can become more aware of our own triggers and break patterns and replace them with healthier behavior on our own part.

Let’s face it - we are the example to our kiddos, which means when we’re kinder to ourselves, we’re kinder to them, everyone’s healthier.

Enjoy and feel free to share with others who may be interested! Sarah xo


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