Как стать уверенным родителем: разговор с Лизой Чин о самопознании, исцелении и позитивном воспитании
I just chatted with an amazing mom who does enablement coaching. Her name is Lisa Chin and we talked about how parents can become more confident and authentic through self-discovery, healing, positive parenting. It was a really powerful conversation.
Basically, as parents we re-live our own childhood through the interactions and emotions of our children, whether we are conscious of it or not – Lisa unpacked how we as parents can become more aware of our own triggers and break patterns and replace them with healthier behavior on our own part.
Let’s face it - we are the example to our kiddos, which means when we’re kinder to ourselves, we’re kinder to them, everyone’s healthier.
Enjoy and feel free to share with others who may be interested! Sarah xo