United States, New York, Brooklyn
Hi, I'm 27 living in Brooklyn with my family. pregnant with my second baby. Excited to hear from other mommies.


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hello ladies. im 41 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow and scheduled for an induction to go in tonight. however, yesterday and today i lost 2 big pieces of my mucus plug. should i hold off the induction for a few days and wait it out , so possibly ill labor naturally soon?
tommy247 @evieru, thank you for ur response, the main reason for my induction is the weight of the
evieru oh I wasn't trying to condem you for being induced I know many times its medically necessary.
tommy247 @evieru, thank you! we decided to go in ,and to see how things progress with cervadil if
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Ariella or Sansa? please vote
mscasey I didn't think Ariella was common at all. that's what I was gonna name my girl.
amaperalta03 I like Ariella only cause my daughters name is Auriella
cassidy561 Ariella!!!
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has anyone been to chiropractor to induce the labor? please , share your experience!!!
cassidy561 Iv been working as a chiropractic assistant for 6 year never heard of adjustments actually helping with
tommy247 @cassidy561, thank you
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who else is due next week and has no symptoms of upcoming labor???😝😥
kaylynx3 Meeeee! 😣
katiedarlingxo I'm due June 3 but he's ready I'm ready my pelvis is ready just won't dilate
tommy247 @katiedarlingxo, u still have 20 days ,alot might change!
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what is membrane sweep?
tommy247 awesome ,thank you. can that be done even if baby is not engaged?
tommy247 @yanelmarie,
yanelmarie yes, it helps speed the process. so long as the baby is head down
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hi everyone, had anyone felt contractions in their tailback ,almost rectum? is that a contraction? or something else, it was very painful had to breath through it. however, it was about 20 minutes ago and didnt come back .
tommy247 how did it start off @1sttimemommy0516 @sammimillette and congratulations!!!
sammimillette I had diarrhea at first, felt like the flu with more intense period cramos
brooklynnsmutha My water broke so about 5-6 hours of light contractions I started feeling horrible contractions taking over
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how to deal with ear infection when u r pregnant?
katie86 I went on antibiotics
tommy247 which ones did they prescribe? @katie86 amoxicillin doesnt work on me
katie86 I took amoxicillin, check with your doctor to see what other ones you can maybe take
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