United States, West Virginia, Morgantown


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I think tomorrow I'm going to call my OB for an appointment to talk about me maybe having ppd.. I think I might . I'm 3 weeks post partum today . Who has this ? How much better does it get after seeking help ? What do they do to help you ?
missing145user No problem. I unfortunately found the only thing that helped was medication. I wouldn't hold off on
jade90kdcicg Yeah I will definitely call tomorrow !! Thank you 😘 looking forward to getting help and makes
missing145user I didn't breastfeed, I don't think it matters too much though. I've heard of women not wanting
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What time does your morning usually start everyday with your little ones ?
pixiestix my son had himself on a decent sleep schedule from birth. he honestly only woke up once
jasminemaye no my baby wakes up a couple times a night she's 3 weeks. I usually nap one
babywest with my first son, he woke up two times a night and then woke up at 8.
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My milk supply is getting worse and worse by the days , ugh so f frustrating idk what to do
lala86 you can try different foods to help boost your supply: oatmeal, chocolate malt ovaltine and drinking lots
jade90kdcicg I would love to be on a support group !! What the name under ? I've been
lala86 Exclusively pumping mom's private group The leaky boob community Nursing and pumping moms those are a few
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Being a mom is very hard , I never pictured it like this 😞😞
jade90kdcicg Thank you ladies❤️❤️ , I'm trying to keep my head up but I'm getting frustrated throughout the
sarahdrew I dream of the time both my kids r napping and I can take a shower in
krhoff @jade90kdcicg, totally normal! it's a complete 360 going from only your needs to having to tend to
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