United States, Illinois
Single mom ✌. 25. Hair stylist/ professional MUA ✂️💄.


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How much did your 3 month old weigh? (Breastfed babies only please!)
c00kiemomster Maybe 9lbs lol if that. She took a long time to gain weight until about 4mo.
missing144user just remember each baby is different though. especially breastfed cause all of our milk is different and
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To everyone who has messaged me in response to me giving away things I would like to hear your story and why you are in need. I would really like this to go to someone less fortunate who truly needs these things. Thanks :)
mrsstewart I'm so glad another mommy is doing this! Especially one with a little boy! I've had different
sunshine1 We'll send them my way! I'm going to choose 2-3 moms because I have a lot! Cheers
mrsstewart Already on it! And same to you! I wish I could choose more but I can only
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So just trying to seek some different opinions. Who lets their baby cry it out and who doesn't? Also what is your reasoning for doing so or not doing so?
ecahanes I don't because I feel as though my son is losing trust in me and I want
sunshine1 I don't either 😜 everyone tells me I spoil him because I don't let him cry it
missing144user I don't think it's possible to spoil a baby. we are teaching our babies to trust us
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mommytolucia that belly 😭 cute
sunshine1 Hahha I know right 😂 he used to be super skinny and then he just grew this
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Not the best lighting but I love my chunk ❤️ #cutest
noahsmommy2016 This is super cute!
ab Oh my gosh this is just too adorable!
sunshine1 Thank you so much ladies ❤️❤️❤️❤️ @renaldoswife @noahsmommy2016 @ab
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Does anyone plan to take their baby with them while Black Friday shopping? I've never been shopping on Black Friday but I want to go. However I'm also a single mom so my little would have to come with. Is it too crazy to bring them along?
ngujen do cyber Monday!
eskawho nope not risking taking my baby out...people are crazy and don't care who is in the way.
sunshine1 Thanks everyone, I forgot about cyber Monday that's a great idea! @reaganmommy2015 @phasion @jennatess @laylaopal @ngujen
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