Does anyone plan to take their baby with them while Black Friday shopping? I've never been shopping on Black Friday but I want to go. However I'm also a single mom so my little would have to come with. Is it too crazy to bring them along?
nope not risking taking my baby out...people are crazy and don't care who is in the way. plus most shopping starts on thanksgiving and I hate that lol I wanna spend it with my new little family and most the deals are online now so that's good. if there is something we absolutely need and can't get online my husband will go without me.
Don't. I go every single year, and it's insane. I've gone in many cities. A lot of places won't allow a stroller either. Save yourself the trouble and just shop cyber Monday.
I've also never been and I'll be 32 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend who goes every year said it would be a bad idea for me to go because of how bad the crowds can be.