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I got a job (:
anessafraga Thank you! (: @leahsmommi
anessafraga Thank you! I am excited my orientation is on the 24th. @first_time_momma_to_be
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is 2 months old to early to give teething tablets? I have tried everything and my baby is still in pain I feel so bad :/
anessafraga Thank you! @babes101116. Thank you I will defiantly try those! @sktraum
hayesmommy OMG I thought I was tripping but I think my daughter may be teething she is 2
anessafraga yeah my oldest started teething around 2 1/2 months I guess its completely normal my pediatrician said.
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Does anyone know what this is?
kiwi314 Allergic reaction maybe?
anessafraga I use dreft I wonder if that could be causing the problem! @mrssanderson
mrssanderson Very possible! our ped actually suggested we stop using it because it has so much perfume
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Not mom related but does anyone have any good t.v. Shows on Netflix or hulu?
del_1512192831_mamaash about a boy show even tho it's canceled now the first couple seasons were so cute and
anessafraga Thank you I will try both of those! @mamaash
j.desantiag09 Wentworth on Netflix!
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Has anyone ever gotten the mirena and had any crazy side effects?
savvylynn1 my mom had it and bled for over 15 days, then got it taken out and got
anessafraga Oh my gosh! I think I might look at other options then! Thank you! @savvylynn1
savvylynn1 you're welcome! I don't want to scare anyone but that's just what happened with my mom, I'm
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My oldest is going to be 19 months on the 8th. I have been trying to think of more snacks that he would like but are also not super messy. Does anyone have any ideas?
lovemytribe my son loves cut up fruit, snap peas, sweet potato crisps, cheerios, peanut butter crackers
anessafraga My son loves watermelon! I will defiantly try some of these thank you! @alexislindo814
savvylynn1 fruit snacks, animal crackers, Cheerios, mini oreos(they have mini cookies and mini nutter butters too), gold fish
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