Могу ли я пропустить месячные после секса 17 числа, если они должны были начаться 20-21 числа? Вопрос!
How Many Days Can I Miss My Period? I Had Sex On The 17th And My Period Suppoose To Have Started On The 20th or 21st .I Got Off The IUD BIRTH CONTROL ON 10/26/2022 and i start my period every month on the 20 or 21 and my period last 6 days is it to early to tell if im pregnant? We got 7 more dayseft until this month is over with .
Mines always been regular every since i got off my birth control on 10/26/2022 i start on the 20th or 21st every month this month i missed it and it been 7 days .
If your having sex and not using condoms or a form of birth control, there is always a chance of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test if it's negative wake another week then test if that's negative and still no period call your Dr and get a check up if that is not normal for you. Our body's can miss periods for lots of reason or be late.
Well did you have sex at all before the 17th? Because it’s unlikely to get pregnant 4 days before your period is due. Your fertile window already passed. It would’ve had to happen earlier.