Kathleen Clark
Kathleen Clark
Double posting but the DH situation is kind of long… I told myself I would never post about this but things change. As most of you know DH adopted my daughter that's The only daddy she's ever known. And we have ds. Well he has an older son. 12 years old to be exact. So this happened way before I was in a picture. Decisions were made way before I came along. So it was never my place to say anything about how it was handled. Dh has never been able to see him. His ex made it clear she didn't want Dh involved. here's the backstory Dh and her lived together engaged when she was six months pregnant she told him she had been cheating on him and thought the baby was the other guys. And kick DH out.and would never answer calls or anything. DH found out though friends when the baby was born went and requested a DNA test. Came back its Dh. She wasn't trilled. Dh started paying child support and still does to this day. But any attempt he made to see the child or be involved she shut down immediately return gifts wouldn't answer calls or messages. After a while DH gave up because he don't know what to do and his parents were no help. He was 22 so couldn't really afford to fight for visitation. So he stopped trying Long before we met. When I found out about his son it was honestly a sore subject. We agreed for the sake of our marriage/relationship I wouldn't push him on it anymore. He reached out to her after one of our first conversation about it through Facebook she read the message and blocked him. Well the other night Dh came in the room crying. My husband doesn't cry. I asked him what was wrong he handed me his phone Facebook suggested his son as a friend..this broke my husband. He doesn't even know if his son knows that he's his real dad. He feels as if to much time is past he doesn't want to destroy his sons world by showing up. That's his words not mine. I don't know what to do because I felt like he should try for something but he's too scared to do anything. I know I can't make things better for anyone but I wish I could. I know people will probably have mean things to say. I will be the 1st say he should've never gave up but I also understand the woman holds a lot more cards than the father if you don't have the money to fight.I will never understand how it doesn't cost you anything to get child support (which I don't disagree with) but it cost to get visitation. I think you should be able to fight for both at no cost. I understand where my husband is coming from too much time is past but I also wish he would change his mind. He scared his son will hate him. I offered to reach out to her myselfand he doesn't want me to. He doesn't want me to get blocked as well because I can at least see pictures she post of him occasionally. It just hurts to see my husband like this he's been so depressed.I honestly don't know what's the point of this post is… But please remember not all absent dads choose to be. If your child's father is trying to be in your babies life please let them. (as long as they're safe of course)

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So it basically sounds like she never had any intention of having kids with your dh and was hung up on this guy for a while back, now. You said she's had 2 more kids with him and the child she has with your dh has the guys last name, so it looks like she had every intention of building a life with this guy. She doesn't want her first kid to think that there was ever anyone else in the picture (why else would she shut down every opportunity for your dh to be present in any way, shape or form?). Personally, that's not something I agree with, but it looks like if your dh were to reach out to him now, it might very well shatter the family illusion his mother has created. For better or for worse, is it worth doing that at the age of 12?
At the end of the day, kids are incredibly resilient, but if your dh were to reach out now, it could open up a whole can of worms that neither of you would be able to handle right now. Or I could be totally wrong.
I say, if you and your dh are emotionally preared for a rejection, then go for it (this is of course a worst case scenario, but better to expect the worse and hope for the best). If not, it might be best to leave it in the future.
The safest bet is waiting until he's 18 because then he has the freedom to seek out your dh on his own without it potentially becoming a whole legal issue.
On the other hand, if you guys have the funds to seek a good lawyer so that there is a better custody agreement, I'd say that's a very viable route to take.
Regardless, there are pros and cons for every decision that could be made. It all depends on what you guys can handle emotionally and financially.
27.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Wow that’s a terrible situation that she put your dh in. To not let a father be involved in his own sons life is disgusting to me. She sounds like a terrible person. If I were your dh I’d fight now!!! He’s paying child support but can’t even see his own son. His own flesh and blood?! That’s crazy to me. But then again the woman sounds a bit unstable. I can understand how he feels that too much time has passed but he still has the rest of the child’s life to be involved. Good luck I really hope he does reach out to him. I bet the boy doesn’t even know he’s his father!! I’m sorry it’s just another sad thing in your life right now. But u can’t change the way he feels about it. U will have to let him figure this one out on his own.
27.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
That's a really hard situation to be in. I'm sorry that he's been pushed away to the point he feels that there is no place for him now. How old is the child? I feel the same as you... It's not too late.
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
From what it looks like on Facebook is she still with the guy she cheated with they have two kids together never married and the son has her last name and the other kids have their dads. I would never reach out without his permission. Which I do not have. Its not my place in any means. I was just taken back by the fact he wanted to talk about it. I just wish I could make him understand that it's not a guarantee his son will hate him. I know at least Feel I know that fear is the biggest thing stopping him. He's always been the person to avoid conflict no matter what. He feels he just let to much time go by and it's best to wait Till 18 to reach him directly. I guess as a mom I don't see how he could do it. It's just sad my kids have siblings they won't grow up with.
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hmm, well the good news is his son won't be a child forever.. & maybe by the time he's 18 they'll find a way to reconnect. I wonder what she tells her son about his bio dad.. I hope it's nothing too poisonous. Do u know if she married or has raised him to believe his father is someone else? The boy will eventually discover his father never disappeared & has been assisting him his whole life. Your husband sounds like a good man, sorry
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
The past is the past and there's nothing your husband can do to change it but he can make a difference now. Contacting his son could end 1 of 2 ways. 1. he could hate him and want nothing to do with him or 2. it could be a dream come true for his son. He'll never know unless he tries so I think it's worth the shot. Just try to tread with caution and not come on to strong. Your husband should definitely be the only one messaging him though.
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think we all make decisions at times that we regret later on. At 22 he was pretty young and I feel most guys that age haven’t had to mature enough to make such a big decision. It’s a toughie but I think you need to let your husband deal with this. Just encourage him that it’s never too late to reach out to someone with love. If he is paying child support, he can take her to court to see his son. Unless there is some sort of restraining order against your DH I can’t understand why a judge wouldn’t honor his request for visitation considering he has been financially supporting him.

This has to be something your DH pursues. Just be there for him but I would stop trying to do things for him. He needs to make his own decisions about this one.
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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