Yaya Carrington
Yaya Carrington
We were having this discussion as BB closed down. I found this article that went along with it. It talks about how parents are considering homeschooling because of the recent public school violence. Thoughts?
I linked it again in the comments if this one doesn't work.

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To each his own. But I don't plan on homeschooling my kids. Partly because DH and I both work full time. But mostly because I know we can't protect our kids 100% of the time. Gun crime happens literally anywhere - schools, parks, malls, movie theaters, concerts, places of worship, on the streets, in the home... there's just no way to avoid it completely without being locked in your house constantly.
Would homeschooling eliminate the threat from school violence? Sure. But violence is everywhere as a sad reality. 😔
Honestly I'd consider leaving the USA entirely as a viable and more long term solution until we get our heads out of our asses as a nation.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить


@rowdy-vajazzy I understand, my dh and I agreed to not discuss it for the next month and try to enjoy a little of this summer before we decide. We were discussing it on a daily basis and it was just too much.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tennesseesun, it’s seriously sickening. I can’t even think about the tragedies without crying. My dh keeps trying to talk about it with me and I feel like I legitimately can’t anymore. I tell him I’m just too sad to talk about it.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rowdy-vajazzy There are no charter schools around here we live in a very small town. The school that we are assigned in our district is the best school in our county which does give me a little peace of mind but not much. There are 2 private options and although we make a decent living we can't afford to send both to private school. We may still put her in private and do what as much as we can to ease my son's concerns. Idk...It was so much easier 20 years ago when the older kids went to school. Never imagined I would making decisions for my kids education based on life or death scenarios...It's crazy.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tennesseesun, is there a smaller charter possibility for your kids? I’ve been struggling trying to find the right school for my incoming kinder and my dh is not on board with homeschool. I’m not sure I’m up for it either. We currently have my dd enrolled in two schools for kinder, a Montessori charter and a highly rated public school. In my heart, the smaller charter appeals to me more, for safety reasons (and other reasons) so I’m going to disenroll her from the public school and keep her in the charter.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I have had 3 older children (now ages 24, 23, and 20) go through the public school system. I have a son who just completed 6th grade in public system. This fall my youngest is starting Kindergarten. The threat of school violence has me worried. It has my son worried, he would prefer to be homeschooled, he is a worrier and has a very kind heart and he is scared. However his father, who I am not with, will not agree to homeschool. I have considered homeschool for my kindergartener but then feel conflicted because I don't want my son to feel as though his safety is not as important as his sister's. Although I have no choice but to leave him in public school I can't help but think this may cross his mind. I have gone back and forth for the last 6 months trying to decide what to do.

Sorry this was so long, lol. This school situation has me very conflicted.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Here is the link to the Homeschool chat group I found when I moved over from BB.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My children's physical safety was not one of the reasons we made the decision to homeschool 3 years ago. But it is something I am thankful I do not have to worry about on a daily basis. Home education is a huge commitment and not one to be taken lightly. It is also incredibly rewarding. I can't imagine doing anything else with my life at this moment.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
It's scary out there for our kids. & I agree we can't keep them 100% safe all the time, but I don't want to feel sad or anxious about leaving my children at school thinking it could be the last time I see them. Nobody will take care of my kids like I do. So we are homeschooling this next year. & They are excited about it.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m a teacher so I can’t homeschool but I would like to look into private school for my dd.

I was just having a conversation with my mom today about schools. I think they need to be much smaller, just neighborhood schools K-12 in one building. Like a large scale one room school house idea. Kids get so lost in these huge schools. Especially high schools with thousands of kids sometimes. It’s also easier to be bullied or be a bully when you don’t really know everyone. In a neighborhood school everyone would be closer knit and there would most likely be more parental involvement.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
We are considering it & safety is a big reason, as well as limited recess time. We moved to a great school district but my career will allow me to be home 4 days a week so it’s a possibility for me to homeschool. I want to check out the security at our local schools, look into online homeschools & see if there are any homeschooling groups near us. I agree that nobody can keep their kids 100% safe, but I know that in every single school shooting (multiple per year), the parents of those who have died wish that they could have kept their kids from being there. I don’t want to live with that regret & will try to be proactive against it the best I can. Like I said, we will be weighing our options & not necessarily homeschooling, but definitely considering it related to safety.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’d love to homeschool my kids but I’m an idiot soooo...😑

Every morning I pray that when Ray goes to school it won’t be the last time I see her.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
To each his own. But I don't plan on homeschooling my kids. Partly because DH and I both work full time. But mostly because I know we can't protect our kids 100% of the time. Gun crime happens literally anywhere - schools, parks, malls, movie theaters, concerts, places of worship, on the streets, in the home... there's just no way to avoid it completely without being locked in your house constantly.
Would homeschooling eliminate the threat from school violence? Sure. But violence is everywhere as a sad reality. 😔
Honestly I'd consider leaving the USA entirely as a viable and more long term solution until we get our heads out of our asses as a nation.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I am a paranoid person by nature. After the Florida school shooting I was really concerned about sending my kids to public with the Santa Fe shooting I live 15 minutes away from that school. I saw the life flight helicopters leaving the scene. Since the Friday there have been multiple arrests at other schools in this area one in the same district I will have to send my kids. I have so many feelings. My oldest will be 5 next year and I will have to send her to kindergarten. I am really considering homeschooling. My only problem is I am not "smart" enough to teach my kids the things they need to know. I am really at a loss right now.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would much rather homeschool my son than send him off to public school. I hear way too many horror stories from parents I know and it’s starting to terrify me. Unfortunately, DH is completely against it and won’t even consider a Montessori school.
24.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
We're planning on home schooling our kids and honestly school shootings is one of the biggest reasons. It terrifies me.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rowdy-vajazzy The number of homeschoolers is on the rise.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve considered homeschooling my children and my niece and nephew. It is becoming a very scary world out there. I do send my oldest DD(7) with a cell phone.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would be interested in seeing a chart that shows the home schooling increase over the last 5 years or so. I know I certainly considered it and have decided to go with a Montessori school over public for my incoming kinder.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bsandra, sorry you had to experience this. I went thru this as well almost 6 years ago there was a shooting at our block party two teenagers were killed and a baby was even shot, thankfully my daughter was only a baby and my son only slightly remembers it, it was so traumatizing we actually picked up and moved that day, I never took my kids back to our home I didn’t even go back for weeks.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bsandra I'm so sorry that happened to you! That's so scary!
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@yayacarrington, I was just thinking of homeschooling my kids cause of all the things that have been happening. I never thought I would encounter myself into a situation like this but on Mother’s Day we were having a nice bbq at the park and some selfish coward started shooting. I don’t think this should be something our kids would have to see. I was so scared for my kids and everyone else’s life that day. My kids are now scared to go to big parks cause of this and on Sunday we went to sports store and this gentleman was buying a gun and my son started panicking. He said mom can we go, what if he starts shooting ppl. This world is getting nasty!
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bsandra Let me try again.
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
It’s giving me an error and won’t let me read it
23.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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