Julianna J
United States


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What’s a normal age for kids to wipe their own butts? (Successfully)
ss3mom My son is almost 6 and he was doing it for a little bit but stopped wiping
cfjones913 My husband is 27 so...🤷🏼‍♀️🙊
love_linds I’ve wondered the same thing. I worry about my 4yr old when he starts school next year.
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My mom’s mom birthed: 💗
My dad’s mom birthed:💙💙💙💙
My mom birthed: 💗
I birthed: 💙💙
ailurophiliac Two more boys for you and you’ll have completed the cycle 😂
jewlmama Right 😂 no thank you I’ll stick with what I have lol . I can’t handle two
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I want to TTC but my husband isn’t ready 😔 How do I get my mind off of it?
jewlmama @massmomma16,
massmomma16 @jewlmama, sounds like it would be a good time to start now or very soon. I don’t
cfjones913 I would wait just long enough so that you will get leave from your new job.
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Changes from 2-3 kids? Pros and cons?
My second came into our life seamlessly. He hardly ever cries, always smiling & laughing. A smooth pregnancy and delivery. He’s almost 1 and I’m really considering #3 😊 am I crazy🤣?
butterscotch Honestly 3 is has been alot harder than 2. They all get along great but trying to
jleona 3 has been WAY harder than 2 for me. Balancing and getting a routine to flow has
sabi.bishh Having 3 is a lil harder but you get the hang of it and the new schedule.
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My son is 10 months old and no teeth yet .. I can see his bottom gum is a little raised but no white spots and I don’t think his teeth are in a rush to pop up. When did your little ones get their first teeth?
rndmshtt Its okay, some just grow into it much later than others. My little one still has 4..
claudie_02 My daughter is 7months old &only has 1 bottom Teeth😂🤣 & I can kinda see another coming
del_1568413016_jakjakattack He cut both bottom teeth this week 😫
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Anyone have babies 1.5 years apart? Is that a good age? Pluses and minuses?
xomarylee My first will be 1yr when I have my second. Maybe 1yr and 1 month so I’ll
harlem I have 3 that is 18 months apart it was ok when they was toddlers now they
claudie_02 I have a 3yr old almost 4 & a 7Month old & Currently Pregnant with baby #3
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I really need some prayers for patience 😩 my 3 year old has the worst attitude & worst behavior today. He’s never been so mean before!! 😓😓
del_1569965148_0000000...error Yep must be something in the air regarding two and three year olds lol my son ain’t
jewlmama Yeah he doesn’t care about that 🤷‍♀️ just makes him more upset and want to fight. Doesn’t
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