@kamiismommy328, my littlest cane down w the stomach flu.... still trying to get to it! 😫 but now, I’m awake & she’s passed out.... thank you for the reminder!!!!
Remember when conspiracy theories were about things like moon landings and aliens building pyramids and not about kids being hired to cry at school shootings or adults being hired to act like their kids were murdered in school? Man. Those were the days.
@carpetmushrooms for starters
.he thinks the first time we "went to the moon" was bullshit. we just tried to beat out other countries. Ive also watched documentaries on how they altered and photoshopped pictures to make it seem like we were on the moon. Aliens..NO DOUBT THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS ABOUT THEM AND HIDES IT. Also, when a special ops team finds a terrorist....where do they all go? Just disappear.
@cookiekrumb I think we did! 😂 my DH thinks I'm nuts when I explain it to him! It honestly makes more sense to me than anything else people can come up with though!
@carpetmushrooms I love them all! My husband is a huge conspiracy theorist. We stay up late and talk about everything the government is doing. Hes also retired military 👀 so he knows things dont add up
So I'm not reading all of the comments but this one is the craziest conspiracy theory that I've heard. (Now disclaimer I don't care who the president is.)
So apparently trump has this device that's been setting the fires in California.
@cookiekrumb I have had that creation theory for so long! That they started out with dinosaurs and that failed and then tried with multiple species of man that also failed then created us, realised they fucked up and abandoned ship!
Ooh ooh add me! There is 100% Yowies (what we call big foot) over here in our hinterland area of the Gold Coast Australia. Me and about 35 kids and teachers were chased by one on a school camp, we all saw it, actually we smelt it first. Then when I was 19 we me and my ex were camping out bush and everyday I would wake up with a giant shit on my side of the caravan, it was the size of a horse shit, but was human looking/ smelling. Also there were giant scratch marks on the bins and trees fresh every morning. A man in one of the suburbs out there was attacked by one at a public phone box talking to his wife a few years ago too! 🤔
@nandf we have no idea! We were renting a duplex and had a few weeks of heavy rain! Somehow water got into the carpeted lower level and mushrooms began sprouting!!!
@carpetmushrooms I think people were planted on earth as an experiment and we got so bad they abandoned us. Humans are not suited to survive on this planet.
@carpetmushrooms While in Nevada we were driving by area 51 at night we hit a mutant jackrabbit. It was as big as a dog and tore up the front end of the car! They are doing some crazy, unnatural experiments in there!