Not feeling very jolly. Kinda feel like a crap parent. I know she’s not even 2 so she doesn’t understand what Christmas is, or why she got presents. I just feel like crap because she didn’t get anything from Mommy and daddy. We couldn’t afford anything.. my mom bought two small presents we could put our names on but still. I get on Facebook and I see these toddlers and kids opening so many presents and I feel bad I couldn’t spoil my princess like my parents use to do for me as a kid. I know that’s not the true meaning of Christmas but it just makes me sad.. hoping next year we’re better off and can afford to actually get her some stuff.

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Don’t beat yourself up. Your a great mom and Christmas is about enjoying those moments with your family. Every parent feels like this when times are tough I’ve been there and I know what your feeling it will past though. Just be happy to be home with your child. Most people have to work on Christmas due to some companies that don’t value family time and holidays. Just cheer up and enjoy life while we have it and make the best of it. Make cookies watch cartoons take naps. I couldn’t afford much either I try to keep my chin up and be thankful. Take care and happy holidays.
25.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
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