I need some advice. My 3 year old is a absolutely miserable child. He always has been.
... he crys,yells and bitches all day about everything from sunrise till sun down. He is a night mare. How can I help him get better. I've thought of taking him to a behavioral health specialist. But I can't afford it. I've thought it may be he wants attention. I have 5 children in my home, 2 of my own and I foster 3 others.ive taken time to spend just him and I. I've done everything from lavender oil to creative play times together. I don't know what else to do.any advice ladies?

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I'll try a few more things before taking him to early intervention. I'm still trying to keep that as my last option. Definitely popsicles tho. So I'm thinking some more time with messy play and some more creative things for him. Hoping I'll see a change soon.
05.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Popsicles! That's cute.i haven't tried that.that will definitely be my next activity to try with him. I'll try that to keep him busy while I get his paint station together. He would love that.
05.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@farrahp08, yes I bet he would love that! What little boy doesn't like getting messy I know my son loves it when I let him get messy with paint. Maybe check out Pinterest I've found some pretty cool things to do. I'm gonna start making popsicles with my son this summer. Maybe you guys can make popsicles together.
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thanks @dreamie702, I didn't know they could test him for me for free. I was told the services can be expensive. I will check this out as well. Thank you so much.i have run out of ideas. And I just want to be sure everything is ok with him. I appreciate your advice
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thank you @jaxxmommie22, I can try more fun days with him. He loves being outside. Maybe we can play more sports together.ive had him in some toddler play dates before. He does ok for a bit but it doesn't last long..he's really into paint to. I was thinking of making a paint station in the toy room for just the two of us to make a mess together .
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Maybe have a fun day with just you and him and have him pick things to do or maybe find other kids his age he can play with.
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
He gets a lot of my attention and love. I'm asking for advice not judgement. I care dearly for my son
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thanks for the advice and this is what I do. And I'm not getting anywhere.
04.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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