What's the best decision? I have pondered, and prayed everyday for almost 2 years over my husbands affair that lasted 18 months during those 2 years he would always say it was over didn't mean anything. It wasn't a physical affair but and emotional affair with his ex. I have tried so hard to get over it to get through it to get around it. But every day I'm questioning him, his faithfulness his ability to honestly love me. I catch myself playing detective and I get so caught up in it. My heart aches and my mind can't make up whats right. He betrayed me for so long and I don't know how to forgive or if I can. I'm moody around him I'll be honest I'm a bitch a lot of the times as a default mode when he's near me and I know that's not fair... we have been married for 6 years together for 7.5 and have 2 kids... I just need advice is there life after an affair and when will this anger I hold towards him go away? Should we just call it over or work it out? I'm so lost

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