I've been practicing ecological breastfeeding. For the last 7 months my son has been EBF he has never used a pacifier, he hasn't had any liquids except breastmilk, he hasn't had solids except a few tastes of vegetables after he turned 6mo, and he has slept with us in our bed... until 3 nights ago. Despite sleeping in his crib he still wakes every 3-4 hours to nurse, though. Most North American women who practice ecological breastfeeding get their period back between 14-15 months postpartum, yet mine decided to show up today. I feel slighted. Maybe it's the PMS, but I'm actually angry at my body 😡
@txyogagirl, he usually sleeps in his crib for about 4-5 hours and then I bring him in our bed, so I still get plenty of baby snuggles but I also get a few hours of more restful sleep. I was sleeping so lightly because I was worried about him, so it's actually turned out to be pretty ideal!