usually until after you have the baby and they can give you more if it starts to go away i know i had mine in over 12 hours and the only thing i felt was pressure but i napped most of the day while I was in labor
I had mine in for 8-9 hours and it was so strong for me that for the rest of the day (the whole day) I could hardly walk, I needed serious help. I didn't get drowsy but my brain was sorta.. muddled? I felt off. and it made my entire body suuuuuuper itchy :/
It last from when they put it in until you have the baby and it takes a little to wear off. you usually have to press the button that gives you another dose. I purposely stopped pressing it about an hour before I gave birth. I really needed it for the contractions but was able to feel everything while i was pushing and absolutely loved it.
07.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Some people will get a bit drowsy but not always. With my first it made me very tired. I slept my whole labor and they had to wake me up to push. It didn't do that the second time.