Abigail Nielson
Abigail Nielson
my son is 2 weeks old and my nipples can barely take this anymore.... as per my lactation consultant his latch is fine but I'm in tears when I feed him because they are raw..... he is cluster feeding right now and I'm thinking about supplementing because I can't keep up with him.... 😢😢😢

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That pain at first was what made me want to quit. I used lanolin but it didn't help so I tried a nipple shield and it made a world of difference. I started using one at like 2 weeks then randomly at I wanna day 3 months he just didn't want to use it anymore and latched completely fine afterwards.
03.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
try a nipple shield I been using it since the hospital. My nipples are way to small so she can't latch properly, and honestly I love the nipple shield. it protects my nipples and I also use nipple cream. My baby is 1 week 2 days and she's doing great, I'm sure she's going to start the cluster eating soon. and I need to be prepared. keep to it love, don't give up.
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Use mother loves cream I put it on before and after all the time and clutter feeding is helping your milk meet baby's need try to remember that I also went through the same thing and many times I felt I wanted to supplement but we're still going strong 10 weeks I promise it will get better my daughter cluster fed 6 hours straight at times too. I use to scream and it would hurt when baby latched also check for ties honestly if baby is emptying enough diapers your doing wonderful. The first 6 weeks are the hardest after that breastfeeding gets much easier and your nipple pain will lessen also coconut oil works too!
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Boobease nipple balm helped me! I would put it on before every feeding and after
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
use coconut oil after each feeding. ..pain will go away and it will heal you and prevent thrush
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
cold water on nipples is supposed to help too! but if you're at your wits end then do what you have to do you know! a fed baby is best 😊
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I miserable for a while lmao. every time I fed I had thoughts like "Im gonna kill myself, im gonna punch this baby...SMH stop sucking on me, cant do this anymore" lmao! but we still goin and its so much easier
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kambam, thanks for the the advise😊😊 @amaresmama I've been using it like it's going out of style!
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
have you tried lanolin or nipple cream?
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
we've all been there. and still after 2 months for me I have those days and weeks of feeling discomfort. try not to give up! slather cream/breast milk on your nipples between feeding, and expose them to air when you can. lansinoh makes cooling gel pads that helped me. it isnt easy but it does get better!! if you still wanna supplement thats totally cool too 👌
02.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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