For those who recently had their baby's, what did your contractions feel like? I know you can have all sorts of labour pains and sometimes not know you are contracting so I'm trying to get a good idea of the possibilities x
I'm hoping so @tg123456789 I've got pains in my back with irregular cramps in my tummy that gives me loads of pressure in my bum & down my left leg. Praying it's not a false alarm but will have to go DAU anyway for reduced movements 🙈
bad period pain like the worst unbearable ever with low back pain like spines going to snap and having to feel like uve to rithe around. (bit much haha but they came on strong from start on that drip and was hideous) do u think ur on ur way? @sweetsesame xx
mine started as soon as my waters broke. All in my back. cramping to start with as it got more intense it felt like someone was breaking my back. Had no pain whatsoever in my front xx