I EBF so I have never had to buy formula but today I had to kill time at the pharmacy waiting for a prescription so I just took a peek at formula prices… OMG! I can't believe how expensive it is. One of the containers said it had about 15 bottles and it was $16! Just to do simple math that would be approximately three cans per week (which is probably on the light side) so that's $48 per week times 52 weeks any year that's $2496 per year..., that's not including diapers and baby food… Call me cheap but there's a lot of things I would like to do with $2500 rather than have my baby poop it out lol Thank God for breast milk!
Yes its very expensive! even with wic, they can help but I formula fed my oldest son exclusively and I still had to buy a few can a month. The bigger cans that are around 20-30 dollars.
@jadestarlight, I cannot even fathom the amount of money on baby supplies! And you only can have one salary because childcare for 5 infants would be a fortune! Bless them!
WIC gives extra to people who breastfeed. I didn't think they gave enough free formula for it to be worth it. At my WIC they insisted I should try breastfeeding which I was already going to do so I didn't care. @sev1226
Wow! I can't believe that! $2500 is like a months salary for a lot of people if not more….There is a documentary on Netflix called breast milk and it follows moms through their breast-feeding journeys... And one of the moms was on WIC and the person in the office who was interviewed said that because moms can just get free formula they don't even try to breast-feed. It was really interesting