Naomi Cordova
Naomi Cordova
My son is three weeks old and I have been exclusively pumping because we were having issues with his latching. I try to get him to latch a couple times a day but he gets frustrated and I give him a bottle. because my supply is not enough to keep up with what he eats I supplement with formula. the formula makes him constipated. I am wondering if it is too late to go back to breastfeeding and pumping?? will he be too used to the bottle by now?? please give me any advice. thank you!

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My daughter only latches to my left with or without a nipple shield she barely ever latch to my right but I keep trying and I just pump my right during her feedings
06.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommybump2016 @sev1226 @mookie1 thank you ladies!! I appreciate all the advice. I have no trouble getting him latched with a nipple shield on my right side but he screams when I try to latch him to my left 😞and I have no idea why. he also doesn't nurse for very long on either side. but I'll keep trying.
06.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
You can try a nursing shield because it's similar to the bottle nipple. Or just keep trying to get him to latch at each feeding
05.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's going to be tricky to get him off of bottle because the boob flows so much differently. Latch him as much as possible for as long as possible. Meet with a lactation consultant if you can!
05.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's never too late:)) if your pumping and giving a bottle make sure you pace feed so it's like he's at the breast. Also if your having trouble latching talk to a LC at the hospital or if your on wic they can help or possibly you Doctor. Also there are shields that you can buy ( omg I don't think that's the name my mind just went blank I'm sorry) but you put it over your nipple and it makes it easier for baby and you. Around 3 weeks is a growth spurt so he might want to bf a lot and that is normal! It doesn't mean he's not getting enough milk from you so just hang in there:))
04.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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