My son is a little under 2 weeks and has been exclusively breastfed since birth but now his doctor wants me to supplement with some formula since his weight isn't back up to his birth weight. He looks good, hydrated, active, alert but his weight is just not where its suppose to be. It hurts because I feel like I am failing him and failing at breastfeeding. I want so badly to do well at this...
some doctors don't understand breastfeeding. the charts they compare weight to are charts from formula fed babies, who gain weight faster because of formula. if you feel like your baby is healthy & is having enough wet diapers keep doing what you are doing. you are doing great!
This happened to me when my baby went for his 4 month check up and I didn't supplement, we did a weight check 2 weeks later and he was fine! I felt the same as you, baby was happy and sleeping well. I would give it 2 more weeks and then if you have to supplement
I was in your same exact situation and ended up supplementing for 2 days. I would breastfeed her first and then give her a little formula. I understand how you feel i cried for 2 days. But she is great now and only breastfeed.
that's what I was thinking too, the doctors didn't even ask about his diapers, and I have been watching those so closely to make sure he was getting enough @mommybump2016 @crunchymomma