FTM: Is it normal for a week old baby to throw up every time right after a feeding? Its clear with cottage cheese looking throw up and today it was actually a lot more like it flew. I read that it's bad if they lose weight but she actually gained some. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, could it my milk? TIA!
Oh yes and also try and keep him upright after feeds for at least 20 to 30 mins to let it settle before lying him down in bed....hopefully that helps 😁
It could be reflux, or it could be nothing. As long as baby is eating often, peeing at least 6 times a day, and gaining weight normally he should be fine! It is very common for babies to spit up and occasionally throw up a lot, their bellies aren't mature yet and sometimes they just have a hard time keeping it down. I would suggest a somewhat upright position while nursing, let him nurse one side until he chooses to unlatch, then offer the other side. If he doesn't want more that's fine, it means he got plenty from the first breast and just start with the breast that didn't get emptied next feed. If it's more than just some spit up, he isn't peeing a good amount or he projectile vomits a lot throughout the day, or if you're just worried definitely bring it up to his doctor and they will tell you if it's something to worry about. Just know that there are tricks you can do and even natural medicines that you can use to help if he does have reflux, so make sure you look into that and ask around before resorting to formula. Formula isn't bad, but you can definitely continue to breastfeed him even with reflux! So don't give up, you got this 😊
my son did the same for a little while it's reflux. all babies have it some are worse than others. my son's was bad so they prescribed acid reflux medicine. i gave it to him for a couple weeks & it went away. he is now 6 months on monday & ebf.