I told my OB I'll do the Nexplanon just to give them an answer, but I'm not sure what would be best. Plus, I was diagnosed with severe PCOS, so I don't want to take something that can harm my chances of having another baby.
I haven't even had baby yet and they are asking what I'm going to use! I have PCOS as well....I don't really want to go on anything after, how do the doctors react to that?
@victoriaaaron12, I just know that my husband doesn't want kids for another 3 years at least, and while that's fine and dandy, 5 years on constant birth control can really damage a woman's ability to have children. Especially with already pre existing conditions like PCOS. it's just a lot to process.
I told my SO and drs that I'm not gonna use birth control it makes me crazy and I also have pcos, SO is fine were gonna use condoms I personally don't believe in birth control why do we need hormones to stop what women have been using condoms to stop for years?
@victoriaaaron12, I don't really want to use birth control since it always messes me up one way or another. I'm thinking of just opting out but I'd have to talk about it with my husband.