Jazzy Shekels
Jazzy Shekels
Ok so i'm in need of some advice. I think my son is going through a growth spurt because he wants to nurse almost every hour. sometimes it feels like he's been attached to my boob all day. I feel like I'm not producing enough for him, especially by the end of the day. he has been getting one bottle of formula at night around 0230ish because I cannot get him to latch at that time for anything. his doctor also said that he wasn't gaining enough but his Wet and dirty diaper output is right on track. what can I do to increase my supply? I want to pump but he always seems to be attached to me so I don't know when I could do it without taking food from him. plus I can't put him down now without him fussing and eventually screaming.

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@reznor, I have heard that lol I'll definitely give it a try
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hellosweetie, yeah we did but we found a way to make it work. I'm working on weaning him off the shield but we aren't there yet. I have gotten him to latch without it on both sides for about 10 minutes each so that's a start :)
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
It sounds like you were thrown off track by the latch issues in the beginning, but that you will be on track again soon! As long as he starts gaining weight, you're doing fine. Don't heed no mind to the doctor unless there is an actual concern for his growth that deserves worrying over, a lot of doctors are old fashioned and stuck in the mind set that breastfeeding is more trouble than it's worth and that most women can't produce enough. The reality is, MOST women have the ability to produce plenty for their babies, but because they are misinformed about breastfeeding they take signs of growth spurts and other things as signs that they aren't producing enough! The true signs of low supply are that the baby isn't peeing enough and not gaining weight! All other signs are unriable and can mean other things! Just keep at it, don't give up! Keep me updated and let me know if I can help in any way, it's hard to continue without good support!
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I wish you the best!! breastfeeding is a challenge but your gonna be glad to took that challenge! I never tried the tea but you should really try the fenugreek and let me know how it works for you! 😊 and a plus it makes you smell like maple syrup haha
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hellosweetie, he is 2 weeks and 3 days but they haven't told me what percentile he's in. we have an appointment today so I'll ask after they weigh him. I know they grow "slower" than formula feed babies but at his first appointment the doc made me feel like I was starving him or something. we did have some issues with latching when we brought him home and ended up taking him to the er when he hasn't eaten in 24 hours. I ended up getting a nipple shield and now the only time we have issues is at night.

@reznor I will try that. I've already got the mothers milk tea but I just started drinking it so I haven't seen a difference yet.
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I don't know much but when I was breastfeeding I would feed my daughter and after she had finished I would pump immediately. until it came to the point I was producing enough that she would eat only off one breast and then I'd pump the other . when I began loosing supply I took fenugreek you can get it at vitamin shops and I literally went from making 1-2 of to 8-9 oz I'd definitely suggest it!!
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
It does sound like a growth spurt, it is common for babies to want to nurse CONSTANTLY while going through a growth spurt! Can I ask what weight percentile he's in and how old he is? Breastfed babies grow at a different rate than formula babies, they often lose weight the first few days and then start gaining, it can happen rapidly at first and then they slow down...but remember, every baby is different and grows at a different rate! My suggestion is to keep letting that baby nurse as often as he wants, and switch breasts often so they are both being stimulated often! The more he nurses, the more your body gets the signal to produce! As long as he's peeing at least 6 times per day, he should be getting plenty from you, so if you can I would also cut out that supplementation because every time you feed the baby a meal that ISN'T at the breast, that is telling your body that it's making enough and no need to make more! Also, it is common for babies to be MORE fussy in the evenings, it's called the "witching hour", but can last for several hours lol your baby will be more fussy, act hungry and may even fight you at the breast, but patience and persistence are the key to this, eventually after trying, taking a break, and repeating he should calm down and take the breast, and fall asleep. Make sure you also take care of yourself, eat well and drink LOTS of water and sleep when he lets you because rest, stress and poor health can effect your supply. Don't freak out if you feel "empty" by the end of the day, you will produce less in the evenings but it is higher in fat content, the reason being that it should help baby stay fuller longer and sleep better....this isn't always what happens lol but the extra fat content is great for your bubs weight gain! So don't let him miss out on it! And remember, you are CONSTANTLY producing breast milk, it never "runs out"! So if you feel like one side is producing slowly after a let down and he seems hungry still, switch sides and repeat however many times you need to until he feels better 😊 I'm not gonna lie, it will be HARD, especially the lack of sleep and the feeling that you're STUCK all day and night feeding, but it DOES get easier and soon enough he will be rushing his feeds and wanting to play!!!
30.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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