I'm producing more milk out of my left breast than my right one... I don't know what to do to help that but my right boob is killing me!!! I pump for the same amount of time and get less than half from the right than I do from the left... 😩
It may be hard for baby to latch or you to pump if your breast is engorged, feed the baby on that side more to lessen the engorgement (that's when your breast hurts and feels hard and full)....I suggest every feeding, start on right side, when baby unlatches, burp, change and switch boobs....next feeding start on the left side, and repeat. If you make sure each breast is takes turns getting emptied at each feeding, they will be close to the same in production, but not exact.
oh your engorged I would feed more on that side ,try massaging it hen you do do it in a downward motion or a warm compress while pumping if the massage alone doesn't work