craddle cap brush when you give him a bath with get the dried up pieces off. and put baby oil on it. the days you don't bath him just get a washcloth and get his head damp and put some baby oil on it. my son has it too he's now 2 months old and still has a little bit of it but not as bad.
I would flake it first with a baby comb then when you give him a bath put coconut oil on let it sit while you bathe him flakes him again gently of course then shampoo his hair
Coconut oil! Use one of those baby combs with coconut oil on his scalp in the bath, then wash it out real good when you're done so his hair doesn't stay greasy and stinky
@hhmariah, haven't brushed it out yet, waiting for my SO to get home cause my little man is a squirmer & likes to swing his head around if we don't hold him still lol it's a 2 man job lol
@andrewsmommy, omg your little Andrew is so cute!! & I looked on your profile & my little man was dressed in that same Jordan onesie today! lol great moms think alike I guess lol
Hydrocortisone will just make it worse, not sure why they think steroids help but they don't. also, put a little baking soda in the oatmeal bath. keep him in breathable clothes, no fleece or extra layers, just so it doesnt spread even more as heat can make it worse.
@hhmariah, dr told me to buy some hydrocortisone cream with aloe to put on his red bumps.. It's all over his face & starting to develop on his neck/back/chest
coconut oil! will help with the eczema too! could also put him in an oatmeal bath for the eczema and use Aveeno baby or eucerin baby lotion on him. I would stay away from any steroid cream as well...