Got the call from the dr on Friday (37weeks pregnant) that I was to go directly to the hospital to be induced. My baby was measuring small and hadn't seemed to grow from the point of 34 weeks. This is called intrauterine growth restriction. She was better off to come early and be able to eat and grow rather than stay til 40 weeks and not grow. She was weighing 4lbs 6oz by ultrasound. That is only the 2nd percentile for babies at 37 weeks gestation. Obviously panicking, I got our things rogether and headed for the hospital. 16 hours after my induction began, 2/27/16 @6:13 pm, my sweet, tiny baby was born! Weighing in at 5lbs 1oz! Woohoo!!! While that is still tiny, it is much better than 4lbs 6oz! Everything seems to be fine so far! She is having a bit of trouble regulating and keeping her temp up and we are working on eating, but those are miniscule issues at this point! I am so Incredibly blessed to be her mommy!
Tinleigh Irene <3
Aw congrats!!!! watch you'll look at her in a couple months, see how big she's gotten and you'll think her being 5lbs was just a dream!! haha. wish you both the best :)