United States, Virginia, Chesterfield


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All this shedding I'm doing after delivering is ridiculous. I find hairs everywhere haha!! can't wait for it to stop!
karnamarie Girl it just stopped for me. I thought for sure I was going to go bawled. Now
nikolaismommy how long did it stop for you??? I'm 4m in lol. @karnamarie
karnamarie I shedded from 3-6 months... 3 months total
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Got my Galbladder taken out this morning. I feel like I've been hit by a truck and stabbed in the belly button. :( hoping day two is better
baby_2016 so you got surgery.? I'm thinking of getting it with Laser. since I had surgery already
nikolaismommy they didn't give me the option too do laser. my doctor said I'll do one cut instead
nikolaismommy @baby_2016,
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GUYS!!! I know it's weird to be a excited about A surgery but at 9:30am I finally get to say goodbye to these pain attacks and my gallbladder!!! after so long with these pains I'm so happy to be able to live my life peacefully again.
lil_bigmama anytime girl I went home the same day I had my syrgey that night was a bit
nikolaismommy @lil_bigmama, yes everyone keeps warning me about that first poop haha. hopefully I get prescribed stool softener
lil_bigmama Good Ull want to take them lol bust of luck hun keep us posted
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So just spent 2 hours trying to calm down a screaming 3 almost 4 month old. Moms any suggestions on how too help calm him down?? I felt so helpless and I tried everything but he just went on screaming. felt like such a bad mom. :( please help!
guaderrama_babies2 @nikolaismommy, lots of drool, swollen or red gums, putting his hands or finger or anything in his
nikolaismommy @andrew_nikolai2015, I just felt his gums...he's teething :(
guaderrama_babies2 @nikolaismommy, awww try the teething toys that you put in the fridge. My son also likes the
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