need help/advice..
moms who breast fed only from the start but then started tk breast feed n use formula...
i have a month old baby n i have just enough breast milk to get her thru the day but not enough to pump n freeze to save. she will start staying the night at my moms every so often n will be 3 hrs away so i cant bring more milk. so my questions are how did u ladies introduce formula? what type did u pick? n how do u do it like rotate breast milk n formula daily?
thanks in advance! !

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Nope it's never bothered her tummy...she doesn't poo as much as she did when she was strictly breastfed but it doesn't seem to bother her
16.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
@hayleymarie, my baby eats out a bottle unless we r somewhere n i didnt bring more milk. did ur baby get an upset stomach from using both?
16.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
I never had an issue with her eating from a bottle because I pump and give her breast milk (breastfeeding didn't work for us for multiple reasons) but I use Gerber Good Start Gentle...I give her breast milk all day long then give her formula for her night time feedings (for some odd reason it seems to fill her up better)
16.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's kind of tricky to do both because the bottle is a lot easier for them once they get the hang of it. I just started by giving one bottle a day so she could get used to it. But if u go too long without feeding from the breast the baby might reject it n cry for the bottle. But they do have bottle nipples that replicate a breast nipple. I would try those.
16.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
I would feed 10 min on each side then introduce 2oz of formula that way my body would still produce and then I'd pump. I did this at every feeding
16.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
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