Haley Watkins
United States, Ohio, Vandalia


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Экстренное кесарево сечение и роды: как все прошло? Рассказываю о родах и самочувствии после больницы
Since I haven’t updated on here I went into the hospital on march 4th evening to be induced with my daughter, laid there all night on Pitocin and ended up having a emergency C- section the following morning
We both are doing well and we’re nursing & I just want to let you guys know that I’m okay even after freaking out and asking you guys about how likely hemmraging is since I did with our child before this one so I wanted to let you mommas know we’re okay ❤️
supermomof4 Congrats and glad everything is ok
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Можно ли пить кокосовую воду и принимать витамины для беременных? Разбираемся в совместимости!
Is it okay to drink coconut water and still take your prenatal vitamin?
harleyquinn13 Why wouldn’t it be?
llamapantaloons I havent heard anything about that being a no-no.
tamnjas You'll be all good... There wouldn't be enough % of the vitamins in the coconut water to
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Как справиться с тревогой о маме во время родов: советы и поддержка, когда мама на химиотерапии
I think the hardest thing I’m having to deal with is worrying about my mom and then knowing she won’t be able to be there with me when I give birth because of chemo and germs 🥹
Давно не заходил, как ваши дела? Что нового, друзья? Делитесь новостями!
Haven’t posted on here in a while
How is everyone ?
family3sonmom25 No one go on here no more tired with my five months old been fighting with
family3sonmom25 Yeah glucose test make me sick 🤢 too when used be pregnant where nursing keep eyes on
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Кровотечение после родов, второй ребенок и все хорошо? Делимся опытом, кто сталкивался?
So has any mommas hemorrhaged after giving birth ? And then had another baby after that happened and everything went fine ? My daughter is 1 year and 2 months and I’m due March 24th
I’m very scared and looking for some positivity
mrseoc I had a hemorrhage right after my 1st was born. Like within minutes of her birth. I
kameltoeharris It’s really risky. There was a woman on this app that happened to. She unfortunately died. It’s
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Снова беременна после родов: кто сталкивался с грудным вскармливанием и беременностью одновременно?
post image
I haven’t been on here in a while but since my last post I’ve had another daughter and she’s one years old and still breastfeeding and now I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant
paisleycolton45 Congrats momma !
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Ideas on old fashioned baby girl names or names not common ?
riasm85 Vivian, Rose, Violet, Elizabeth, Donna, Carmen, Loretta, Irene, Doris & Lucille ❤
countrypeaches420 Naomi, Lydia, Charlotte, Esther, Ruth, Miriam...
caitydid Adeline❤
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