Megan Reid


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Почему эта милая малышка держит моего сына за руку? Фото из детской комнаты! Делюсь с родителями
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I haven’t posted anything in awhile.
I work in my sons classroom, the baby room! Yes I’m cool with all the parents and they know I take pictures and post! I send photos to the parents as well. . But this little girl is so sweet and cute, she was holding my sons hand! 💙💙
7 weeks pp: Начала заниматься с Grow with Jo, 20-минутные тренировки - как ощущения?
Now that I am 7 weeks pp, I started today with “grow with Jo” workouts, it’s a 20minute workout and I feel great, I will continue to do that work out until I’m used to it and than work my way up to something else of hers. I’ve even changed my eating habits way before the 7 weeks pp. I’ve been feeling a lot better. I’ve also been doing a skincare routine morning and night and I’ve been doing some self care for myself. 💗💗
Restless leg syndrome при грудном вскармливании: как быть?
Y’all ever been breastfeeding and than restless leg syndrome hits?!? 😂🤦‍♀️😞
heatherlou88 Oh my gosh! Yes! I can't stand it.
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Что мы чувствуем?
Confession Thursday!

-depression is kicking my ass

- I’m always stressing and overthinking

- I’m overwhelmed and feel unheard when I speak because it goes in one ear and out the other with people

- I’m a loner and don’t have friends because I’m not a social butterfly

- I feel like everything I do isn’t good enough, I don’t feel appreciated when I do everything for my family ( mother, daughter, cook, driver, listener, cleaner, etc)

Confession Thursday: these are all the things that we feel as human beings and it’s all normal but when it’s everyday it just makes the days longer, the nights shorter, the emotions stronger, the cries deeper, the giving up closer, the need to not give up even more closer, everything is in between and you don’t know what to do but you know you have to keep going because people look up to you even when they don’t it seems like. We have our children to think about and that’s what is a big part of going through the storms and making it to the other side.
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heatherlou88 I am praying your days get brighter momma!
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Мастит, депрессия и невозможность иметь детей: моя история
I went to the OB today, I have mastitis, I also got put on depression medicine because I told my OB how I was feeling about not being able to have no more kids and me wanting more but I don’t want to risk my life or my children losing their mom and how my daughter keeps bringing up wanting a sister and how she told me last night if she seen a shooting star she would wish for a sister and the next day she would have one, I told my OB that I’m just really depressed and I’m just so hurt that I can’t have no more babies. It was always my dream to have a big family especially since I was in the foster system from age 7 to 13 years old. I also got a depo shot that lasts three months to keep me from getting pregnant, on February 2nd I go for ultrasound to check on my hemota however you spell it and once we see how that’s doing we will go from there with scheduling the tubel surgery. I have so much inside of my mind that it’s becoming too much.
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