Meredith Puett
United States, North Carolina


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My son will be one in two weeks and he stills gets up every night 2 most nights 3 times crying and only wants a bottle to go back to bed. I don’t mind getting up and making the bottle but is this normal? Did/does anyone else have this issue?
del_1579025334_lorrinleigh My daughter did that until she was 3. I tried every way to schedule out the day
thebthatdontcare My oldest did this switch to water only at night than break him of bottles. Water pissed
meredith.puett Thanks y’all! I have been giving him less formula each time the last few nights. I’ll switch
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At what month did you start to let your little one sleep in the crib in the nursery or a different room from you?
laniejay The AAP says that room sharing with your child until 1 reduces the risk of SIDS by
lii94 He was a month old. He had reflux and slept better on the crib mattress then in
little_mommy_of_3 5 months old
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Mothers with children that had “tongue-tie” what symptoms did your child have? How did you find out that your child’s tongue was tied? I called the pediatrician today & I’m waiting on a call back so I was wondering what symptoms & signs you experienced.
deleted.. YES! My daughter did the clicking noise as well. Couldn’t hold a paci either since birth so
meredith.puett He falls asleep while drinking his bottle not sure if it’s related to him having tongue tie
s.m.m2015 In the U.K. They won't clip the babies tongue tie unless it effects feedings and weight gain
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