My son will be one in two weeks and he stills gets up every night 2 most nights 3 times crying and only wants a bottle to go back to bed. I don’t mind getting up and making the bottle but is this normal? Did/does anyone else have this issue?
My oldest did this switch to water only at night than break him of bottles.
Water pissed my son off but after the first couple nights he was fine than once we broke the bottle completely he started sleeping through the night.
Doctor just said it was a comfort thing it’s what their used to.
05.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My daughter did that until she was 3. I tried every way to schedule out the day and she still woke up 3-4 times a night. I read an article how if they are used to eating at those times then their body was used to the routine so I started feeding a little less each time and she finally started sleeping through the night.