Meredith Puett
Meredith Puett
Mothers with children that had “tongue-tie” what symptoms did your child have? How did you find out that your child’s tongue was tied? I called the pediatrician today & I’m waiting on a call back so I was wondering what symptoms & signs you experienced.

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In the U.K. They won't clip the babies tongue tie unless it effects feedings and weight gain x
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
He falls asleep while drinking his bottle not sure if it’s related to him having tongue tie or not. & he has gained 4 pounds in 1 month so I know he’s eating good but from other symptoms I read it sounds like he may have it. When he was breast feeding my breast would hurt extremely bad to where I would cry & I just assumed it was me not teaching him to latch correctly but he stopped latching after I introduced him to a bottle because he wouldn’t latch correctly. I guess I’ll see what the pediatrician says.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
YES! My daughter did the clicking noise as well. Couldn’t hold a paci either since birth so she ended up not liking it at all by the time we got it taken care of.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
My son went from 8.15at birth to 7.4 in 36hrs. He would fall asleep on the boob, and me nipples were bleeding 😩
we noticed his tongue when he was born but the pedi at the hospital said it was fine and discharged us. When we saw the midwife the next day and he was weighed I mentioned about his fallin asleep mid feed, she referred us straight away. He had it cut at 5days old, I had to pump and top him up with expressed milk after every feed until it was clipped. He latched on as soon as it was done and the difference was amazing and so so noticeable. He fed brilliant 😊
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thanks y’all! Im going to call again first thing in the morning to try and get an appt asap. He drools when drinking a bottle every time, he didn’t do well with breast feeding, makes a clicking noise while eating, & also can not hold a paci in his mouth without me holding it for him. He wants to paci & cries when it falls out but he just can’t hold it hisself.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Definitely get him evaluated by a lactation consultant and pediatric dentist! We were told by lc my daughter had ties, then were pressured into trusting her pedi and ent who both said no she doesn’t. So we didn’t do anything and continued to struggle with breastfeeding. Ultimately stopped around 4 months and come to find out she really did have ties. Next baby I’m insisting they check while still in the hospital.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Mine had tongue tie and a lip tie. She had trouble eating, feedings was extra painful, the food would dribble out of her mouth constantly.....they had to cut both. And afterwards it was sooooo much better for both of us! I found out her tongue was tied bcuz there was a number of issues with her feeding and after her dribbling out so much milk i held her mouth open and sure enough there it was.....her was bad tho they said....all babies are different so depending on the baby some are worse and some arent as bad.
01.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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