Rayne Mischuk
United States, Arizona, Cashion
I’m from B.B. 💁🏻


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HELPPP. How do you get yellow poop stains out of baby’s clothes? My son and is ruining every thing 😅
zaka851 Sun it out. Best way. I hand wash and then let it dry in the sun. It
cawasa Sun gets any poop strain out. Get wet out in sun
rayne27 Thanks so much everyone ☺️
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What can I do for a constipated 12 week old? I’ve been bicycling his legs and massaging his tummy but it hasn’t helped 😩
awesome1377 I had to do apple juice for my dd when she was that age because she would
dragoneggs Rayne, that's good! Mine was using the potty by 10 months because when she'd start straining I'd
gem_1618 Saw this the other day on someone’s post and screen shot it. Not sure if it’ll work
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So my two week old has jaundice and gets his levels tested once a week. Anyway, he’s had super runny poops since last night, like it’s pretty much just yellow poopy water. Is this normal? Should I take him in to be checked? He’s exclusively breast fed. He seems completely normal other than his runny poops 🤔 he’s eating and sleeping fine.
kerstie14 @rayne27, I’ve always found with my newborns that their poop consistently changes every few weeks for the
rayne27 Okay that’s what I kind of figured since he seems normal other than that, but didn’t want
beakymcspence @rayne27, Generally babies who have typical jaundice poops are actually green. You may just want to check
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Just have to show off my son 😍😍😍 do people usually tip photographers? If so how much usually? The pictures were $315 all together which is cheap considering she’s just as good as the people that charge $600+ 😅
toomuchgab I normally don’t get baby fever from pictures but this is giving me BABY FEVER!!😍 he’s precious!
jewlmama I’ve never tipped a photographer 😬 I just assume that since they set their rates they add
rayne27 Okay thanks
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