Rayne Mischuk
Rayne Mischuk
Sooo my sons 6 days old now, and when we got discharged from the hospital they recommended I supplement with formula till my milk comes in. I think okay since the nurse reassured me a million times that theirs no such thing as nipple confusion, that he’ll take bottle and breast no problem. Well now he’s straight up refusing my breast and I don’t know why. I can get him to latch after like 10 minutes of fighting with him but it’s tiring so I just end up giving him bottles of either breast milk or formula. What can I do to fix this 😩 I miss him latching easily and that bonding time we’d get, it’s making me sooo sad. I just don’t know what to do, any of you ladies had a similar problem? How did you fix it?

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Thanks so much I’m going to try everything you ladies suggested. I’m definitely calling around and looking for an LC today I’m hoping we have one. Im not sure though, I live on a small Native reservation so we don’t have a lot of things other community’s do lol but I’ll try. Even if I have to drive an hour to the next town over 😩
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ugh I hate when doctors give that “advice”. There’s no need. Your milk comes in when baby needs it.

Try to feed before baby is hungry. Once he’s actually hungry he will be too impatient for the breast because it’s slower.

Definitely pace feed. It helps to keep things consistent, flow and volume.

Absolutely seek a lactation consultant. If you can’t find a local one, there are online ones.
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
My milk didn't come in for almost a week . I supplemented with donor milk until my milk came in. My daughter absolutely refused to nurse because the bottle was so much easier. Believe me I tried for 4 months to get her to nurse she would suck for 2 minutes tops and then would refuse. I tried the nipple shield and talked to a lactation consultant.

I ended up exclusively pumping for 13 months.
I hated being attached to the pump 4 hours a day (I pumped at noon,3pm,6pm, 9pm, midnight, 3am 6am and 9am for at least 30 minutes per session)

My daughter is now almost 3 years and we have discovered that she has some low muscle tone issues. That perhaps is why she didn't want to nurse when she was a baby.

The other ladies have given you some good advice and the odds are good that you can get your baby to nurse. I just wanted to let you know that there is always the exclusively pumping option available to you if you want to make sure your baby gets breastmilk. Exclusively pumping is a lot of hard work but it is doable.
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
You 100% need to seek a lactation consultant! The advice here is helpful but it makes a big difference having someone face to face who can really help you and show you different techniques. My lactation consultant was a life saver with my first baby.
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
@rayne27, I’m in Canada as well and my hospital had a lactation consultant there. And I have to say, I was thankful I had her. She was awesome. Maybe call your hospital or where you went for your prenatal appointments, or even your family doctor.
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I second the nipple shield. I ended up needing to use mine every time we nursed, due to flat nipples, but I was able to continue breastfeeding successfully with the shield.
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would offer him breast only or get a slow flow bottle (medela calma) bottles only flow milk when baby sucks, like the breast. The bottle is so much easier once they have it they get lazy. If you’re giving him pacifiers I may also take those away and whenever he wants to suck try offering the breast. He should go back if you’re continually offering him the breast instead of a bottle. Good luck mama!
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah mine came in on day 3 too, I’ve tried a nipple shield but I think I might of been using it wrong lol idk. And I live in a super small town so I’m not even sure we have an LC but I will call around tomorrow. I’m in Canada so no WIC.
09.05.2018 Нравится Ответить
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