United States, California, Pittsburg
I'm 30 ♏️ (10/27/91) Mother of 2 Beautiful LittleGirls👧🏽👶🏽 & 2 Beautiful Angels👼👼 Happily taken💑💏


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Как быстро летит время: моей дочке скоро 1 год! Не могу поверить, всего 2 недели и 2 дня!
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Looking at this amazes me on how much time flew by in a year. I don’t post too much about my kids but damn I feel like just yesterday I had her. And in 2 weeks and 2 days she will 1 years old. I wanna cry.
crazymom09 I remember when I brought my son home from the hospital and he was just a newborn
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Looking like I will be induced next week. Has any mommy’s been induced before ?
Is it worse compare to yourself going into labor ?
xryztalroze It was tougher for a couple of reasons: 1. First baby, didn't know what to expect. 2.
metalcoremomx4 I was induced 3 out of the 4 times I gave birth and honestly, there was no
addeeisme My midwife popped my water. 14 hours later I met my boy ❤️
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What’s the car seat / stroller you got for your new born baby? What’s the best & safest brand?
salazar593 With my last we skipped the infant car seat and just got a convertible car seat with
squishymommy1 We had a Nuna Pipa car seat and Nuna Ivvi stroller (they don’t make the Ivvi anymore)
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Do you guys believe the blood test to find out your gender is accurate? Has anyone got a wrong result and your ultrasound says other wise?
ekko 100% accurate
al_hegerrrr2819 It was accurate for Me although this Pregnancy has taught Me that it's a Myth when they
mary925 @squishymommy1, @ltee,, @ekko, @al_hegerrrr2819, since it’s accurate I guess it’s safe to surprise my partner.. how
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