Tammy Vien
United States, California, Menlo Park


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How do I teach my 1yr4mo old son not to hit!? I’ve tried to show him hitting is not nice, I’ve put him in timeout, but it still happens. Feeling a little defeated. People say it’s just a boy thing.
naturalmama No its nt just a boy thing lol ppl are crazy. Just after he hits grab his
del_1551893290_bitchcraft We tell him to be nice and we rub his hand on our arm or face or
theirmommie I've had 3 boys and my daughter just turned 1. She hits. It's not a boy thing
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So my son is a week away from being 4 months and still hates tummy time. He only likes to do tummy time if it’s on our chest. Anyone gone through the same thing?
soda2010 I couldn’t find anything for my daughter to like to be honest she absolutely hated tummy time
tammy.vien87 We have a boppy and tired it and he still cries. I’m just worried if he doesn’t
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Has anyone gone through teething or teething symptoms at 3 months? Any advice?
del_1543699727_momma_dee I did. I bought a few different teethers (the ones that go in the freezer are good,
tammy.vien87 @mama_kat89, yeah I gave him a little Tylenol last night. Which was a life saver
tammy.vien87 @momma_dee, thank you! I’ll have to try the towel. He doesn’t really like his teething g toys
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Hey mama’s any of you make your own baby food? If so, any recommendations, suggestions or advice? I’m a FTM and will be returning to work soon.

We are also looking into getting him a high chair..
mommaofjandm I do. We’ve done bananas, avocados and peas. You don’t have to cook the bananas and avocados.
tammy.vien87 @mommaofjais, that’s is awesome. Do you use just a regular blender to purée them?
mommaofjandm You can but I use a kitchen aid food chopper. It has the option to purée
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What did you pack or wish you had packed in your hospital bag?
ionhuu Chapstick and feminine wipes of your preference!
jordanmartin1732 Depends diapers, I had my sister bring me some while I was still in the hospital. Life
pipelinemama Snacks, because depending on how long your labor is you will be starving after since most hospitals
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So Maternity leave officially starts now.. with schedule c-section for next Thursday...What are some suggestions to kill time during the day!?
del_1531324895_girlmom. You can come watch my kids while I sleep 😂😂😂 jkjkjk But frfr make some freezer meal!
tammy.vien87 @kkmamax2, that's a great idea. I will have to make a bunch of meals and freeze them.
del_1531324895_girlmom. Pinterest has tons of them! 😁
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