Tammy Vien
Tammy Vien
How do I teach my 1yr4mo old son not to hit!? I’ve tried to show him hitting is not nice, I’ve put him in timeout, but it still happens. Feeling a little defeated. People say it’s just a boy thing.

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I've had 3 boys and my daughter just turned 1. She hits. It's not a boy thing like other pp's have mentioned. They'll grow out of it.
23.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
We tell him to be nice and we rub his hand on our arm or face or wherever he hit us. Now all we have to do is say “Be nice” and he’ll rub the spot where he hit us on his own or hug us before going off to play.
23.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
No its nt just a boy thing lol ppl are crazy. Just after he hits grab his hand and say that's nt nice baby we have nice hands and rub his hands over what or who he hit and make it a practice and when he does it by himself make sure to praise him like yay good job baby we have nice hands.
23.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
It’s not a boy thing. It’s definitely an age thing. My son went through that phase and so did other little girls his age at daycare. Our solution was to coddle the victim. So if he would hit someone, we’d instantly go to the person he hit and tell them it’s okay and show sympathy for them. My son would have to watch and see he hurt someone. Then we’d make him hug the victim and say sorry. Then he’d sit in time out. It worked well for him. Just remain consistent.
23.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
We practice “nice hands”. I just show her how to touch nicely and repeat that saying, “nice hands”. If she hits again, I take her hands and show her again, repeating, “nice hands”. Anytime she is rough, I repeat the phrase. She usually remembers. If she forgets or doesn’t want to be gentle, I remind her. If she can’t be gentle, I pick her up and put her on the other side of the room. At one years old, time outs are practically useless. Diversion is your best bet.
23.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thats how my son was and i never put him on timeout instead they recommend doing time in which is you take him in a room, explain and show him to touch softly instead of hitting. I used to explain to my son and showed him how to touch softly and he learned really well not to hit his sister, i mean he still does it sometimes out of frustration but for the most part he remembers to be soft with her.
23.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
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