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Ugh I feel like I can't even enjoy my new baby due to me feeling like crying all the freaking time..
mimimommyof2 Hopefully you take breaks take care of yourself take a nap if they're willing to help I
del_1548532345_lovelily A good support system and lots of breaks, mama. Have someone step in for a couple hours
tarebear @skysmommy04 @lovelily thank you ladies so much.. it's hard to try to think about myself when I
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Would I be able to pump to help get my supply going
keriann yes!! my baby was in the nicu and i wasnt able to feed her so they had
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I'm so worried my baby isn't getting colostrum like he's latching and will feed for a while and then fall asleep. I guess he will cry if he's hungry right?? I think I might just be over paranoid...
dmm1976 In the beginning you just have to be available at all times lol. Don't worry.
lalamuah You're fine.he.s getting what he need.their bellies are really tiny and don't need much milk.i used to
msbumpie21 I had the same fear. My milk didnt hit till day 5 pp but it came in
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I wish so much someone would have told me how hard it is to pee after giving birth.. especially if they had to cut some..
mdomke22 That water bottle will be your best friend for a while!
kelanielove42717 Make sure the water is really warm, not too hot. It feels so much better. And do
sixplusones @kelanielove42717, @mdomke22, yes girls u are definitely right about that water nothing soothed me easier an better
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OK you guys so there is like so much pain and pressure in between my legs I can't barely put them together.. much less walk comfortable.. any idea as to why it's hurting like this??
tarebear @txyogagirl I'm going to definitely try it's just so exhausting 😖
ilovemykiddos That happened to me. I was taken off work. Dr said only goes aways after I have
thegermanmommy I had the same problem. My daughter had moved so far down that I could hardly even
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have any moms been induced when they were around 3 to 4cm dilated? How quickly did induction go for you??
protectoroftheclan Usually the 2nd and 3rd time u go in then labor is quicker . With my 3rd
moniquehernandez I went in at 7pm..I was induced around 745/8 at 3cm I believe..and I had my baby
del_1547503967_shadiestladyintown. I was 3 cm & 80% effaced when I went in to be induced. I was in
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