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Yesterday positive clearblue. Today is negative 🤔 still no period. IUD Inside. Calling doctor tomorrow
themothafuckinladymarlow I THINK it's PRETTY rare to get a false positive. False negatives, yes, but rarely a false
brenduhhh The one you took today is it a digital? It’s very rare to get a false positive
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How to Handle a Teen's Risky Behavior Despite Good Parenting?
I always been a caring mom, always teaching my kids values, there's no drugs or violence in my house. My kods get excellent grades and are not disrespectful to us or anyone else. I just realized my almost 15 year old girl was cutting school and breaking in people's houseswoth other teens/ smoking and hanging out with another teenager who is a gang member. The school is trashy and they never noticed anything. I found out of all this because she was texting a friend and also telling this guy he can jump the backyard fence and sneak in the house in the middle of the night. Im very frustrated. I don't know how to punish her cause taking her phone away is not going to be the only punishment.
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watz Take out everything from her room except for her bed and give her just one pair of
massgirl I would definitely install a window chime. They can be found on Amazon for $20 or less.
mompreneur Thank you ladies so much
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My one year old girl doesn't want to wear clothes or diapers. She refuses completely and always tries taking them off. Can anyone else relate?
a.mama22 My son is the exact same way.
tristan-makes-5 My boys were like that so I cut off the feet to footed sleepers and put them
ladyblauvelt My 2yr old never likes to wear anything at home... As soon as we get home he
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proverbs22.6 How’s the paparazzi thing going? I was thinking about doing it as a stay at home job
mompreneur Is awesome !!!
mompreneur It truly works I will message you
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